The Hunter Museum of American Art’s Original Etching Exhibit

The owner of Outdoor Adventure Training, John Adam Noll III is active in his church and community. Adam Noll and his children are members of a wide range of organizations, including the Hunter Museum of American Art, which he supports through regular contributions.

Located on the edge of the Tennessee River, the Hunter Museum of American Art focuses its collections on pieces ranging from the Colonial period to the present. Showcasing a variety of artistic mediums, including paintings, mixed media, furniture, and photography, the museum promotes the relevance, importance, and meaning of American art.

Recently, the Hunter Museum of American Art opened its temporary exhibition “Twenty Original American Etchings.” The exhibit, which will remain on display through the summer, includes pieces from such artists as Thomas Moran. All prints are from an 1884 portfolio of etchings that was created by the New York Etching Club, an organization committed to increasing the interest of the art form amongst American artists. The pieces were created largely during the American Etching Revival, during which time prints began to be seen as a more legitimate form of art rather than a technique for reproducing paintings and images.

Stay Healthy While Hiking: Preventative Tips for Female Hikers

Adam Noll, founder and president of Outdoor Adventure Training (O.A.T.), is passionate about connecting people with the outdoors through hiking and other outdoor sports. Through O.A.T., Adam Noll offers classes, including a Hiking 101 Women Only, for hikers of all experience levels.

Staying healthy while hiking is not difficult, but every female hiker should learn to expect the unexpected and prepare for difficulty while on the trail. Some of the most common hiking problems can be avoided through informed preparation.

Physical injuries plague novice and experienced hikers alike, but can be especially acute for female hikers due to a variety of physiological factors. Because women are more likely to sustain knee injuries than men, women should take the time to condition leg muscles to prevent injury. Pre-hiking stretching and conditioning lessens the risk of injury and helps maintain the strength and flexibility of joints and ligaments. Activities like running and walking also build foot strength and toughness, which can help prevent foot problems that trouble many hikers. All hikers should carry effective first aid items like Band-Aids and athletic tape.

Another issue that may concern female hikers, especially solo hikers, is personal safety. While hiking is not an especially dangerous activity, there are precautions a woman can take for her peace of mind. One is to become familiar with the hiking route before heading out solo. If this is not possible, it is recommended to let a trusted friend or family member know the destination and planned return time. Finally, carrying a walking stick or hiking pole not only relieves pressure on feet and legs and prevents dangerous falls, but it can also be used for self-defense.

Safety Tips for First-Time Hikers

A longtime outdoorsman and current owner of Outdoor Adventure Training, located on Signal Mountain, overlooking, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Adam Noll has spent many hours hiking on trails all over the Southeast. Hikers such as Adam Noll typically adhere to a set of basic safety rules, which helps them remain happy and healthy out on the trail. Here are a few safety tips for first-time hikers.

Tell someone about your plans: Although it might be tempting to simply disappear for a few days, you should always inform someone you consider responsible and very trustworthy of your hiking plans. If you get lost, information on your general whereabouts can greatly assist search-and-rescue teams.

Stick to the trails: Unless you are a seasoned hiker with many long hikes under your belt, you should always stay on the trail, always looking for the next blaze–trail marker.

Trust your instincts: If you see something suspicious, such as other hikers acting in an aggressive or hostile manner, listen to your gut. On the trail, it is almost always better to avoid confrontation.